Newsletter, 5/25/24

5/26/24 Sunday’s Sermon by Nick Perez

Real Faith; The Paradox of Prayer

If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him. James 1:5, ESV

Bible Study, Worship & Praise

Sunday Mornings – 9:30 am Bible Classes

  • Cradle Roll – Room 4
  • 2 yrs through 1st Grade – Room 9
  • 2nd through 5th Grade – Room 7
  • Middle School & High School – Conference Room
  • Adults – Auditorium

Sunday Mornings – 10:45 am Worship

  • Children’s Bible Hour for 1st-5th Grades – Room 2
  • Online: Livestream begins at 10:30 am

Wednesday Mornings – Women’s Bible Class – 9:30 am

Wednesday Evenings – 7:00 pm Bible Study

2024 Graduates

We are planning to honor our 2024 graduates on Sunday, June 9, 2024. We will have boxes at the Connection Center where you can drop cards over the next few weeks.
Do you have a Middle School, High School, and/or College Graduate? Please send the following information to the office so we can recognize all of our 2024 graduates:
Full name, school name, honors or degrees (if applicable), and plans for next year.

Opportunity to Make a Difference

1.We are in need of Pantry volunteers Our Pantry is open Mon, Wed & Fri 10:30 – 11:00 am & 1:30 – 2:00 pm. We need volunteers to come during those times to hand out food. Contact the office to volunteer.

2. If you would like to help with Holy Grounds (our coffee shop), please contact Michael Brown.

Ladies Ministry

Spaghetti Dinner with White Elephant Auction Fundraiser, Saturday, July 13, 5:30 p.m. (More information to follow).

Ladies Bible Study

Ladies, you are invited to join us each Wednesday morning from 9:30 to 10:30 in the Conference Room as Women Opening God’s Word and studying the ABCs of a Godly Heart.

Current Pantry Needs

  • Hamburger Helper
  • Syrup (Dollar Tree)
  • Pancake mix
  • Canned fruit
  • Top Ramen

DPCoC Apparel Available Online

Scan the QR Code


If you unlock a door, please remember to lock it again. Other than just before Bible classes and Worship, outside doors are to remain locked.

Pushpay donation slide

Attendance Last Sunday

Bible Class: NA
Worship: 119

Offering Last Week:

Last Week:                              $4,603
YTD                                       $152,129
YTD: Actual vs. Goal:          -$6,084
YTD: Actual vs. Goal:           -$2,777

Contact Info for our Shut-Ins

Nadine Greff, c/o Bethany Home, 930 West Main, Ripon, CA 95366
Joan Lankford, 2305 Bellamy St., Modesto, CA 95354
Nancy Mitten, English Oaks, 2633 W Rumble Rd, Modesto, CA 95350
Jeanette Wilson, Hospitality House Assisted Living & Memory Care, 5400 Kiernan Ave, Rm 131, Salida, CA 95368
***Please submit additions, corrections & updates to the office.

Volunteer and/or Donate Now

Showers of Love

Donations needed:

  • Men’s Jeans (sizes 26”- 42”)
  • Women’s Jeans (size 2 – 12)
  • Sweatpants (Men’s & Women’s, all sizes)
  • Men’s & Women’s T-shirts (All sizes)

(Inexpensive jeans & t-shirts can be found at Thrift Stores)

*We give away 20-30 sets of clothes EVERY Thursday.
*Monetary donations are also accepted
*Volunteer to help cook & serve a meal

Prayer Requests

Mourning the Loss of Loved Ones

The Family of Nancy Mitten
Elene Patton – coworker’s friend’s son committed suicide

Recovering from Surgery

Errolyn Springer – (Vickie Laguna’s sister-in-law) – heart surgery
Rashima Hall – knee surgery
Jeanette Wilson – hip surgery
Lois Day – two surgeries
Paula Meler – hip surgery

Battling Cancer

Lyn Brocco – swelling in brain has gone down by 60%
Nancy – (Cathy Dixon’s sister-in-law) – brain cancer
Jon Hatter – (Michael & Susan Brown’s son) – chemo
Phil – (Bonnie Greff’s friend’s half-brother) – stage 4 cancer
Chris Shook – colon cancer & kidney stones
Jeff House – (Russ Wooten’s cousin) – lung cancer
Greg Hall – (Gabriel Hall’s father) – hospice
Paul – (Bonnie Greff’s friend’s brother) – throat cancer
Joyce – (Ramona Ruskamp’s friend) – cancer has spread, chemo not working
Chris – (Bonnie Greff’s friend) – 17 yr old young man
Robert Wooten – (Colleen McBride’s friend)
Wendy – (Cindae Hull’s friend) – terminal cancer & no belief in God
Yvonne Wheeler – (Mike Ruskamp’s friend’s wife)
Cyndi Lindsey – pain
Michael Patton – (Gary Patton’s brother) – prostate cancer
Renee – (Vickie Laguna’s cousin’s wife) – cancer that has metastasized
Darrell Christiansen – (Melissa Shook’s sister-in-law’s father) – prostate cancer, not doing well
Cecilia – (Kathy Dee’s daughter)
Susan – (Stephanie Saunders’ aunt) – stage 4 lymph node cancer
Ron Tredway – (Melissa Shook’s friend’s husband) – Melanoma
Dwight McBride – (Colleen McBride’s brother) – Stage 4 prostate cancer, stage 1 lung cancer; chemo
Billy Hunt – (Vickie Laguna’s friend) – stage 4 melanoma throughout his body
Mason – (teenager in Ripon)

Other Requests

Angelica Harris – (visitor) – legal issues & many trials
Mike Hampton – financial, physical, & personal trials
Janice – (Jim & Bonnie Greff’s friend) – struggling with a lot of loss
Saray Jetton – high blood pressure
Blake – (Cindae Hull’s friend’s son) – 5 year-old boy with serious unknown infection
Wayne & Pam Vanderford – traveling
Alexis Patton – (Gary & Elene Patton’s daughter-in-law) – cluster headaches
Judith – (Phil Brown’s friend) – fractured lumbar vertebrae
Jim Renner – recovering from multiple falls
Michelle Ellis – marriage
Dennis Albro – recovering from a TIA
Georgia Springer – (Vickie Laguna’s mom) – hospice
Prayers for all our families dealing with dementia and Alzheimer’s, for patients and caregivers
Keith – (Albert Herrera’s friend) – draw closer to God
Ethan – (Gary & Vickie Laguna’s daughter’s friend) – recovering from a serious accident
Linda McGarr – (Jim & Bonnie Greff’s friend) – home & continuing rehab
Jim Cook – (Tamara Cook’s son) – to return to God
Ethan Tornberg – mass behind his ear
Albert – to stay strong & not fall into old ways
Suzanne – (Kathy Dee’s daughter) – congestive heart failure
Liberty Ruskamp-Woods – (Darren & Edwina Ruskamp’s daughter) – mental health
Brenda Smith – thyroid issues
Amelia – (Freddy Sanchez’s ex-wife) – her walk with the Lord
John & Sheila – (Gary Laguna’s neighbors) – health issues
John Russell – mental health issues
Brittany – (Dwayne & Michelle Ellis’ daughter) – to make better life decisions

Please submit updates to the church office.
209-522-7226 /
Or jot it down on a card & drop it in the Donation Box.

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