Recent Prayer Requests

Mourning the loss of loved ones

The Family of Jeanette Wilson

Recovering from Surgery

Jane Linder
Ernie Yoshino – back surgery; recovering at home
Donnie Shook – (Mike Ruskamp’s cousin) – hip surgery; hospitalized with infection

Battling Cancer

Eeyon – (Freddie Sanchez’ friend’s co-worker) – cancer
Joyce – (Ramona Ruskamp’s friend) – in ICU preparing for surgery
Margie Hawkins – (Gabriel & Rashima Hall’s friend) – stage 4 cancer
Lyn Brocco – swelling in brain has gone down by 60%
Nancy – (Cathy Dixon’s sister-in-law) – brain cancer
Jon Hatter – (Michael & Susan Brown’s son) – chemo
Phil – (Bonnie Greff’s friend’s half-brother) – stage 4 cancer
Chris Shook – colon cancer & kidney stones
Jeff House – (Russ Wooten’s cousin) – lung cancer
Greg Hall – (Gabriel Hall’s father) – hospice
Paul – (Bonnie Greff’s friend’s brother) – throat cancer
Chris – (Bonnie Greff’s friend) – 17 yr old young man
Robert Wooten – (Colleen McBride’s friend)
Wendy – (Cindae Hull’s friend) – terminal cancer & no belief in God
Yvonne Wheeler – (Mike Ruskamp’s friend’s wife)
Cyndi Lindsey – pain
Renee – (Vickie Laguna’s cousin’s wife) – cancer that has metastasized
Darrell Christiansen – (Melissa Shook’s sister-in-law’s father) – prostate cancer, not doing well
Cecilia – (Kathy Dee’s daughter)
Susan – (Stephanie Saunders’ aunt) – stage 4 lymph node cancer
Ron Tredway – (Melissa Shook’s friend’s husband) – Melanoma
Dwight McBride – (Colleen McBride’s brother) – Stage 4 prostate cancer, stage 1 lung cancer; chemo
Billy Hunt – (Vickie Laguna’s friend) – stage 4 melanoma throughout his body
Mason – (teenager in Ripon)

Other Requests

Lacey Snyder – (Shaun Snyder’s wife) – broken wrist & pregnancy
Albert – employment
Terry McEnery – COVID
Allegria Rice – COVID
Malachi – (Barbara Hammond’s nephew) – head injury
David Tostado – pinched nerve, possible surgery
Hermille Catzalco – illness
Selina Rodriguez – (Melissa Shook’s co-worker) – abdominal pain
Wayne Bussey – recovering at home; high blood pressure
Ethan Tornberg – tumor behind right ear, 2nd tumor near aorta, additional scans before treatment
Sherry Day – recovering from a fall
Betty Bussey – spinal stimulator procedure scheduled for 7/12
Ethan – (Gary & Vickie Laguna’s daughter’s friend) – out of hospital now; long road to recovery after serious accident
Vanessa Foxford – stressful family relationships
Dante & Raya Stovall – requesting prayer for their family, especially their son Zayden
Jerrod & Katherine Patton – problems with building a house
Brian Smith – (Champion employee) – detached retina
Georgia Springer – (Vickie Laguna’s mom) – hospice
Prayers for all our families dealing with dementia and Alzheimer’s, for patients and caregivers
Jim Cook – (Tamara Cook’s son) – to return to God
Suzanne – (Kathy Dee’s daughter) – congestive heart failure
Liberty Ruskamp-Woods – (Darren & Edwina Ruskamp’s daughter) – mental health
Brenda Smith – thyroid issues
Amelia – (Freddy Sanchez’s ex-wife) – her walk with the Lord
John & Sheila – (Gary Laguna’s neighbors) – health issues
John Russell – mental health issues
Brittany – (Dwayne & Michelle Ellis’ daughter) – to make better life decisions

Please submit updates to the church office.
209-522-7226 /
Or, jot it down on a card & drop it in the Donation Box.