Newsletter, 4/8/23

4/9/23 Sunday’s Sermon By Nick Perez

John 10:18, ESV “No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have authority to lay it down, and I have authority to take it up again. This charge I have received from my Father.”

Bible Study, Worship & Praise

Bible Study, Worship & Praise

  • Cradle Roll – Room 4
  • 2 yrs through 1st Grade – Room 9
  • 2nd through 5th Grade – Room 7
  • Middle School & High School – Conference Room
  • Adults – Auditorium

Sunday Mornings – 10:45 am Worship

  • Children’s Bible Hour for 1st-5th Grades – Room 2
  • Online: Livestream begins at 10:30 am

Wednesday Mornings – Women’s Bible Class – 9:30 am

Wednesday Evenings – 7:00 pm Bible Study

Saturday, April 8th, and join us at 9:30 – 10:30 am in Holy Grounds in the Rumble foyer for Devo, Café, and Chat. We will be enjoying a brief devo, enjoying coffee or tea, a snack, and the fellowship of others.


Congratulations to Susan Ottaway who was baptized on Monday

Special Contribution Sunday

Sunday we will be collecting a Special Contribution to benefit the Hughson Church of Christ and their Minister, Nathan House & his family. If you are donating electronically, please include a note marking it for the “Hughson Church of Christ”.

Hughson CoC Fundraiser

There will be a Dinner on Saturday, April 22nd to raise funds for the Hughson Church of Christ and their Minister’s family, to help with repair costs to the church building and Preacher’s home. Rogers Family Center, corner of Fox & Euclid Dine-In & Drive-Thru. For tickets, call 209-202-8812 or 650-591-1170 No tickets sold at the door. See Bulletin Board for more information.

Opportunity to Make a Difference

1. Are you interested in audio/visual technology? We are looking for people who are willing to be trained in this ministry. If you would like to find out more about this ministry, please contact Matthew Gray or John Russell.

2. We are in need of Pantry volunteers. Our Pantry is open Mon, Wed & Fri, 10:30 – 11:00 am & 1:30 – 2:00 pm
We need volunteers to come during those times to hand out food. Contact the office to volunteer.

Contact Info for our Shut-Ins

Nadine Greff, c/o Bethany Home, 930 West Main, Ripon, CA 95366
Gertrue Smith, Casa de Modesto, 1745 Eldena Way, Rm 4, Modesto, CA 95350  office.

***Please submit additions, corrections & updates to the office

Volunteer and/or Donate Now

Donations needed:

  • Long sleeve t-shirts (all sizes)
  • Sweat pants (all sizes)
  • Men’s Jeans (28-42)
  • Blankets

(Inexpensive jeans & t-shirts can be found at Thrift Stores)

*We give away 20-30 sets of clothes EVERY Thursday.
*Monetary donations are also accepted
*Volunteer to help cook & serve a meal



Attendance Last Sunday

Bible Class: NA
Worship: 115

Offering Last Week:

Last Week:                          $10,091
YTD:                                   $142,297
YTD: Actual vs. Goal:    +$40,498

Prayer Requests

Mourning the Loss of Loved Ones

Rashima Hall & Family – brother Delondo Bellamy
Vickie Laguna & the Springer Family – aunt Annie
Nick Perez & Family – grandma Ruth

Recovering from Surgery

Mials Magaña & his girlfriend
Wayne Bussey
Brenda Smith – back surgery; thyroid surgery; eye surgery
Darren Ruskamp
Bonnie Christiansen – (Melissa Shook’s sister-in-law’s mother) – also diagnosed with stage 1 dementia
Vickie Laguna
Devina Vargas – (Eddie Vargas Jr’s sister)
Betty Bussey – procedure to relieve pain

Battling Cancer

Willis Von – (Lester’s cousin) – cancer treatment, may be in his final days
Rashima Hall – surgery April 10th
Cyndi Lindsey – undergoing chemotherapy
Rosella Paslay – (Nancy Mitten’s friend)
Jack Hawes – Elder at Ripon Church of Christ – bladder cancer
Mike Corley – (Monte Corley’s brother) – kidney cancer treatment
Angie Westberg – (Marie Thompson’s niece)
Susan – (Stephanie Saunders’ aunt) – stage 4 lymph node cancer
Lyn Brocco – good test results
Darrell Christiansen – (Melissa Shook’s sister-in-law’s father) – prostate cancer
Greg Hall – stage 4 prostate cancer has spread to his bones, recovering from a fall
Ron Tredway – (Melissa Shook’s friend’s husband) – Melanoma
Dwight McBride – (Colleen McBride’s brother) – Stage 4 prostate cancer, stage 1 lung cancer
Chrisey Hogan – (Paula Meler’s friend) – early stage breast cancer
Joyce – (Ramona Ruskamp’s friend) – tumors have shrunk by 50%
Bruce – (Mike Ruskamp’s friend)
Taryn – (Cyndi Lindsey’s cousin) – Lymphoma
Julia Galloway
Billy Hunt – (Vickie Laguna’s friend) – stage 4 melanoma throughout his body
Renee – (Alegria Rice’s friend) – breast cancer
Mason – (teenager in RiponOther Requests

Other Requests

Mary Renner – recovering from a fall
Patsy – (Mary Benitez’s friend) – emotional stress due to daughter’s health
Lori Galvan – (Mary Benitez’s friend’s daughter) – having leg amputated
Gary Patton – employment
Carolyn Hickman – bronchitis
Luetricia Keller – (Breeyana Weaver’s grandmother) – hospice
Lynn Powell – (Melissa Shook’s friend) – recovering from a fall
Helen Potterf – hospice
Jennifer Smith – recovering from a bicycle accident
Lester – (volunteer) – speedy recovery for mother-in-law
Charlyn Bigham – (Melissa Shook’s cousin) – tests following two falls
Joan Jones – (Melissa Shook’s friend/coworker) – recovering from a fall
Darla Wincentsen – another procedure on April 11th
Traci McEnery – family difficulties
Wanda – (Dwayne Ellis’ Mother)
Ron Collins – recovering from a stroke
Kent Walton – (Melissa Shook’s cousin) – mass on liver
Matt – (Ramona Ruskamp’s friend of a friend) – being tested for cancer
Juanito – (Elene Patton’s brother) – waiting for diagnosis
Hughson Church of Christ – ongoing issues with their building & preacher’s home
Liberty Ruskamp-Woods – (Darren & Edwina Ruskamp’s daughter)
Mike Hampton – housing situation
Charles Cook – last stages of Alzheimer’s
Mikaela – (Jessika McCullough’s sister) – heart issues, ongoing tests
Chelsea – (Michael Brown’s former coworker) – expecting second child in the Spring
Tamara Wallers – looking for a position at work that will allow her to be here every Sunday

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