Newsletter, 12/23/22

12/25/22 Sunday’s Sermon By Nick Perez

Christmas in the Mountains; Mount Calvary

Luke 23:33 ESV – And when they came to the place that is called The Skull, there they crucified him, and the criminals, one on his right and one on his left

Bible Study, Worship & Praise

Bible Study, Worship & Praise

  • Cradle Roll – Room 4
  • 2 yrs through 1st Grade – Room 9
  • 2nd through 5th Grade – Room 7
  • Middle School & High School – Conference Room
  • Adults – Auditorium

Sunday Mornings – 10:45 am Worship

  • Children’s Bible Hour for 1st-5th Grades – Room 2
  • Online: Livestream begins at 10:30 am

Wednesday Mornings – Women’s Bible Class – 9:30 am

Wednesday Evenings – 7:00 pm Bible Study

Ladies, mark the date: Saturday, January 14th

And, join us at 9:30 – 10:30 am in Holy Grounds in the Rumble foyer for Devo, Café, and Chat. We will be enjoying a brief devo, enjoying coffee or tea, a snack, and the fellowship of others.

Secret Sisters

The Secret Sister Card & Prayer Outreach will be starting up once again. January, February, and March will be the months we focus on the prayer needs of our Secret Sisters. If you would like to participate in this ministry, part of the process is completing a questionnaire which will be available at the Connection Center. Drawing of names will be held December 18th and 25th, following worship.

Contact Info for our Shut-Ins

Nadine Greff, c/o Bethany Home, 930 West Main, Ripon, CA 95366
Gertrue Smith, Casa de Modesto, 1745 Eldena Way, Rm 4, Modesto, CA 95350  office.

***Please submit additions, corrections & updates to the office

Volunteer and/or Donate Now

Donations needed:

  • Men’s t-shirts (all sizes)
  • Women’s Pants & Shirts (size 6 & under)
  • Men’s Jeans (28-42)

(Inexpensive jeans & t-shirts can be found at Thrift Stores)

*We give away 20-30 sets of clothes EVERY Thursday.
*Monetary donations are also accepted
*Volunteer to help cook & serve a meal

Current Pantry Needs

Dry Beans (1 lb. bags)
Dollar Store Jelly
Dollar Store Syrup (24 ounces)
Cereal (11-12 ounces)
Individual packages of oatmeal
Chili (15 ounces)
Rice (1 lb bag)
Canned Fruit
Dessert Mixes (cake, brownies, etc)


Attendance Last Sunday

Bible Class: NA
Worship: 109

Offering Last Week:

Last Week: 4,868
YTD: $402,086
YTD, actual vs goal: $402,086

Prayer Requests

Mourning the loss of loved ones

Jessika McCullough & Family – uncle
Michael Patton & Family – (Gary Patton’s brother) – wife Faye


Lisa, Chris & Sharon Shook
Harold – (Helen Hinton’s brother) – is in rehab, with bacterial pneumonia

Recovering from Surgery

Rick Shook – (Charley Shook’s brother) – angiogram and stent
Ernie Yoshino – back surgery
Wayne Coulter – awaiting test results
Gabriel Hall – recovering at home
Daniel – (Breeyana Weaver’s brother) – is at home, PT starting soon
Brenda Smith – also thyroid issues

Battling Cancer

Stan Gustafson – Elder at Turlock CoC – home, under hospice care
Susan – (Stephanie Saunders’ aunt) – stage 4 lymph node cancer
Lyn Brocco – tests at UCSF
Darrell Christiansen – (Melissa Shook’s sister-in-law’s father) – prostate cancer
Dan Poulter – stage 4 cancer
Greg Hall – stage 4 prostate cancer has spread to his bones
Bill Mara – (Jack & Carolyn Hairston’s son-in-law)
Ron Tredway – (Melissa Shook’s friend’s husband) – Melanoma
Dwight McBride – (Colleen McBride’s brother) – Stage 4 prostate cancer, stage 1 lung cancer
Chrisey Hogan – (Paula Meler’s friend) – early-stage breast cancer
Joyce – (Ramona Ruskamp’s friend) – tumors have shrunk by 50%
Bruce – (Mike Ruskamp’s friend)
Danny Adams – (Algerita Windus’s son) – thyroid cancer
Taryn – (Cyndi Lindsey’s cousin) – Lymphoma
Julia Galloway
Billy Hunt – (Vickie Laguna’s friend) – stage 4 melanoma throughout his body
Renee – (Alegria Rice’s friend) – breast cancer
Mason – (teenager in Ripon)

Other Requests

Nancy Mitten – hospitalized
Lee Boydstun – at Hospice House until the house is ready for her to go home
Mikaela – (Jessika McCullough’s sister) – heart issues, ongoing tests
Nicole – (Michael Brown’s former coworker) – expecting her first baby in January
Chelsea – (Michael Brown’s former coworker) – expecting a second child in the Spring
Ruth – (Nick Perez’s grandma) – back pain
Alma Magana – health issues
Donny Shook – (Mike Ruskamp’s cousin) – rehab
Tamara Wallers – looking for a position at work that will allow her to be here every Sunday
Linda Stedman – (Buddy Gray’s sister) – recovering at home
Ashlyn – (Bob & Helen Hinton’s granddaughter) – lesion on the thymus
Linda Johnson – (Paula Meler’s friend) – nerve damage in hand following an accident
Jovina Rodriguez – (Paula Meler’s friend) – making bad choices
Vanessa Foxford – living situation
Brian Smith – safety as he travels to the mountains
Mike Hampton – housing situation

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