Newsletter, 10/29/21

10/31/21 Sunday’s Sermon by Nick Perez

Empowered to Rejoice: “A Tale of Two Cities”

Philippians 3:20 – But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Take Them a Meal

With Buddy being sick with COVID Pneumonia and Krista working, let us show our love to the Gray family by providing meals to them. If you would like to help, just follow this link – take them a meal, or you can contact Melissa Shook.

Opportunity to Make a Difference

We are in need of Pantry volunteers. Our Pantry is open Mon – Fri 10:30 – 11:00 am & 1:30 – 2:00 pm. We need volunteers to come during those times to hand out food. Contact the office to volunteer.

Contact Info for our Shut-Ins

Nadine Greff, Vintage Faire, 3620 Dale Rd, Rm. 25, Modesto, CA 95356
Russ Ortloff, 511 East D Street, Oakdale, CA 95361
***Please submit additions, corrections & updates to the office.

Daylight Savings Time ends next Sunday morning, November 7th. Don’t forget to turn your clocks BACK one hour.

New Email Address

We (Davis Park Church of Christ) have a new email address. It is Our old email address is no longer working.


Mourning the loss of loved ones

The Cowan Family – Mark Cowan
The Gray Family – Krista’s brother Stan Chism

Other Requests

Zechariah Perez – recovering from a head injury
Terry McEnery – increased faith
Rick Shook – (Charley Shook’s brother) – congestive heart failure & renal failure, beginning dialysis soon
Stephanie Russell – (John Russell’s cousin) – recovering from a car accident
Bob Vergara – hospitalized
Traci McEnery – back pain due to crushed discs
Evan – (Ethan Tornberg’s friend) – home, lengthy recovery ahead
Laura Cowan – Broken Heart Syndrome
Alan – (Terry McEnery’s cousin) – has cirrhosis of the liver & needs a liver transplant
Martha Gomez – blood clots
Lee Boydstun – congestive heart failure
Serina – (Eddie Vargas’ sister) – stage 3 cirrhosis of the liver
Bob Hinton – stomach issues are improving; biopsy was benign
Shy Gonzales – (Eddie & Vicki Vargas’ sister-in-law) – physical & mental healing
Harrison – (Hinton’s great-grandson) – lymph node biopsy
Revitalization – Growth & strengthening of the congregation
Georgia Springer – recovering from a fall, dementia has progressed
Charlie & Tamara Cook
Denise Libby – (Jim & Bonnie Greff’s sister-in-law) – lupus & kidney failure
Lester – (Ellen Tostado’s brother) – dialysis, needs a kidney
Russ & Joan Ortloff – strength & healing
Helen Potterf – Hospice care
Leadership / Front Line Workers / Unemployed


Buddy Gray – pneumonia

Battling Cancer

Sheila Walls
Lyn Brocco
Julia Galloway
Ron Kemper – cancer has shrunk by 95%
Anabelle – (Ellen Tostado’s co-worker)
Jonette Martine – (Wayne Coulter’s co-worker) – stage 4 breast cancer
Greg Hall – (Gabriel Hall’s father) – stage 4 cancer in his spine
Billy Hunt – (Vickie Laguna’s friend) – stage 4 melanoma throughout his body
Kris Simms – (Dwayne Ellis’ cousin) – kidney cancer
Renee – (Alegria Rice’s friend) – breast cancer Gene Fisher – (Jacqui Coulter’s father) – lung cancer
Grace Whited – (7 year-old at Murphys Church of Christ) – undergoing treatment for neuroblastoma
Janis – (Brian Smith’s mom) – hospice
Gene Ford – (Charlotte Walton’s brother) – pancreatic cancer
Bill Winegard – (Paula Meler & Lee Boydstun’s friend)
Mason – Teenager in Ripon

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