And the Winner is…

By: Nick Perez

I hope that you participated in the political process.
As Christians living under a democratic republic, voting is a small, holy choice which is entrusted to us when it comes to God raising up and bringing down leaders in history. So I hope you contributed. I hope you participated in your God-given freedom to vote.

I write this on Friday after the election. As of right now, the votes have been cast, many states have certified results, but there are still a few key states which have yet to finish counting the votes in their states. Ballots continue to trickle in, even days after the November 3rd deadline. COVID-19’s effects linger and are having an impact on the American election process.

At some point, these remaining states will certify their results. The talk will be over. The election will be done. And the winner will be…exactly who God wants in the Oval Office. Whether he is your candidate or not, whether you voted for him or not, be assured that the man being inaugurated in January as President of these United States is exactly whom God wants over this country.

So what are we to do now that the election is over? I believe the advice of Paul is appropriate here: “I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession, and thanksgiving be made for everyone – for kings and those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness” (1 Tim 2.1-2).

Yes, brethren, pray. Praise the Sovereign God for His wisdom which is beyond ours. Ask God that we will be able to lead quiet and peaceful lives under the new administration, whichever it may be. For “this is good and pleases God our Savior” (1 Tim 2.3).

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