Newsletter, 2/29/2020

3/01/2020 Sunday’s Sermon by Nick Perez FOCUS BELOWOVER ON UNDERABOVE DISTRACTION THE KINGDOM INTERFERENCE KINGDOM PREACHING GENESISJOB MATTHEW 4:17 MATTHEWMARK From that time Jesus began to preach, saying, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” Matthew 4:17 Sermon Guide Upcoming Events March 1 Undie Sunday Needs: men’s & women’s underwear only, no socks… Continue reading

Newsletter, 2/21/2020

2/23/2020 Sunday’s Sermon by Nick Perez FOCUS BELOWOVER ON UNDERABOVE DISTRACTION THE KINGDOM INTERFERENCE KINGDOM PREACHING GENESISJOB MATTHEW 4:17 MATTHEWMARK From that time Jesus began to preach, saying, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” Matthew 4:17 Sermon Guide Upcoming Events February 23 Monthly Potluck / after Worship / Family Room 23 Annual… Continue reading

Newsletter, 2/14/2020

2/16/2020 Sunday’s Sermon by Nick Perez FOCUS BELOWOVER ON UNDERABOVE DISTRACTION THE KINGDOM INTERFERENCE GOD’S KINGDOM IN THE OLD TESTAMENT GENESISJOB PSALM 103:19 MATTHEWMARK “The LORD has established his throne in the heavens, and his kingdom rules over all.” Psalm 103:19 Sermon Guide Upcoming Events February 16 Travelers Motel / 2:30 pm 23 Monthly Potluck /… Continue reading

Newsletter 2/7/2020

2/09/2020 Sunday’s Sermon by Nick Perez FOCUS BELOWOVER ON UNDERABOVE DISTRACTION THE KINGDOM INTERFERENCE GOD IS KING GENESISJOB ISAIAH 6:5 MATTHEWMARK “And I said: “Woe is me! For I am lost; for I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean… Continue reading

Newsletter, 1/31/2020

2/02/2020 Sunday’s Sermon by Nick Perez FOCUS BELOWOVER ON UNDERABOVE TEMPORARY ETERNAL THINGS FLEETING OUR ETERNAL HOME GENESISJOB  2 CORINTHIANS 5:8 MATTHEWMARK “So whether we are at home or away, we make it our aim to please him.”2 Corinthians 5:9 Sermon Guide Upcoming Events February 4 Monthly Singing / 7 pm / East Elvin, Stockton… Continue reading

Newsletter, 1/24/2020

1/26/2020 Sunday’s Sermon by Nick Perez FOCUS BELOWOVER ON UNDERABOVE TEMPORARY ETERNAL THINGS FLEETING THE DARK SIDE OF ETERNITY GENESISJOB REVELATIONS 20:14 MATTHEWMARK Then Death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. This is the second death, the lake of fire. Revelation 20:14 Sermon Guide Upcoming Events January 26 Monthly Potluck / after worship… Continue reading

Newsletter, 1/11/2020

1/12/2020 Sunday’s Sermon by Nick Perez FOCUS BELOWOVER ON UNDERABOVE TEMPORARY ETERNAL THINGS FLEETING ETERNAL  FATHER GENESISJOB Psalm 90:2 MATTHEWMARK “Abraham planted a tamarisk tree in Beersheba and called there on the name of the LORD, the Everlasting God.” Genesis 21:33 Sermon Guide Upcoming Events January 18 Co-ed Baby Shower… Continue reading

Newsletter, 1/4/2020

1/5/2020 Sunday’s Sermon by Nick Perez FOCUS BELOWOVER ON UNDERABOVE TEMPORARY ETERNAL THINGS FLEETING FOUNDATIONS FOR ETERNITY GENESISJOB Psalm 90:2 MATTHEWMARK “Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever you had formed the earth and the world, from everlasting to everlasting you are God.” Psalm 90:2 Sermon Guide Upcoming Events… Continue reading

Newsletter, 12/27/19

12/29/19 Sunday’s Sermon by Nick Perez Cures for a Troubled Heart, John 14:1; Do not let your heart be troubled; believe in God, believe also in Me. Sermon Guide Upcoming Events December 29-Jan 5 Family Promise January Dec 29-Jan 5 Family Promise 1 New Year’s Day / Office Closed 7… Continue reading