Newsletter, 5/9/2020

Davis Park Church of Christ 901 W Rumble Rd / Modesto, CA 95350 / 209.522.7226 / Mother’s Day Today is Mother’s Day. Have you ever wondered why it is not “Mothers’ Day”? I lost some of you I’m sure. The difference is small but has significant implications. The… Continue reading

Newsletter, 5/2/2020

Davis Park Church of Christ 901 W Rumble Rd / Modesto, CA 95350 / 209.522.7226 / In Constant Prayer, part 2 What does it mean to “pray without ceasing” (1 Thessalonians 5.17)? Perhaps it is akin to being “constant in prayer” (Romans 12.12). Typically it gets defined for… Continue reading

Newsletter, 4/26/2020

Davis Park Church of Christ 901 W Rumble Rd / Modesto, CA 95350 / 209.522.7226 / In Constant Prayer, part 1 Repeatedly in Scripture we are encouraged to “seek His face” (Psalm 24.6; 27.8; 105.4). The phrase “seek His face” denotes the idea of seeking the presence of… Continue reading

Newsletter, 4/18/2020

Newsletter, 4/11/2020 Davis Park Church of Christ 901 W Rumble Rd / Modesto, CA 95350 / 209.522.7226 / Helpful Tips for Bible Reading Helpful Tips for Bible Reading Accept the Bible as the Word of God. Modern and Postmodern critics of the Bible have worked tirelessly yet ingloriously… Continue reading

Newsletter, 4/11/2020

Davis Park Church of Christ 901 W Rumble Rd / Modesto, CA 95350 / 209.522.7226 / He Has Risen Jesus’ tomb was not empty for more than a few hours when alternate theories about where His body had gone began to spread (Matt 28.11-15). One bad idea birthed… Continue reading

Newsletter, 4/4/2020

Davis Park Church of Christ 901 W Rumble Rd / Modesto, CA 95350 / 209.522.7226 / COVID-19 INFORMATION We are complying with state and county guidelines Sunday morning worship transitioning to online Sunday Bible classes cancelled until further notice Wednesday Bible classes cancelled until further notice Junior Worship… Continue reading

Newsletter, 3/29/2020

NOTE: Due to COVID-19, we are making a few changes to the Newsletter COVID-19 INFORMATION We are complying with state and county guidelines Sunday morning worship transitioning to online Sunday Bible classes cancelled until further notice Wednesday Bible classes cancelled until further notice Junior Worship cancelled until further notice Travelers… Continue reading

Newsletter, 3/20/2020

NOTE: Due to COVID-19, we are making a few changes to the Newsletter COVID-19 INFORMATION • We are complying with state and county guidelines • Sunday morning worship transitioning to online, you will get an email on Saturday with a link. NOTE: Contact the Church office for Communion • Sunday… Continue reading

Newsletter, 3/13/2020

3/15/2020 Sunday’s Sermon by Nick Perez FOCUS BELOWOVER ON UNDERABOVE DISTRACTION THE KINGDOM INTERFERENCE KINGDOM COME GENESISJOB 1 CORINTHIANS 15:24 MATTHEWMARK “Then comes the end, when he delivers the kingdom to God the Father after destroying every rule and every authority and power.” 1 Corinthians 15:24 Sermon Guide Upcoming Events March 2 Wedding Shower &… Continue reading

Newsletter, 3/6/2020

3/08/2020 Sunday’s Sermon by Nick Perez FOCUS BELOWOVER ON UNDERABOVE DISTRACTION THE KINGDOM INTERFERENCE KINGDOM CITIZENS GENESISJOB I PETER 2:9 MATTHEWMARK “But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into… Continue reading